Child-led interest - Pets
Following a child led interest in “animals” the children brought into nursery a photo of their much-loved animal, whether it was nanas, their pet or a favourite animal toy, it gave them an opportunity to tell us special stories. Developing a veterinary surgery gave an insight into the importance of caring for our animals, extending to how our environment can hurt both pets and wild animals with the disregard of unwanted rubbish. It was time to get our eco team involved in important discussions with a result in a litter pick to help our environment.
A veterinary nurse came to VIP to enable our children to gain valuable information and ask questions, with excitement and interest the Vet captured their attention and curiosity. A visit from our “Rescue dog Bromley” gave children the opportunity to think about the consequences of neglect, with positive feedback of kindness. A visit from a smaller dog “Sonny” enable children who were a little weary of a larger dogs to have a positive experience. The children with the use of discussions and photos were able to learn important facts on the care of animals. |